I have signed up for Maths for Science, the course I should have taken before doing Planetary Science. Decided to go for the September start date rather than the November one, so even though I won't be starting it until mid-October I'll still have until the end of January to complete it.
Besides, it does seem to have some sections that might be useful revision if I decide to take the Planets exam, which, to be fair, doesn't seem likely at the moment.
Thursday, 30 August 2007
Saturday, 25 August 2007
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
Summer School
Friday, 17 August 2007
Ammonite Wine!
Back from retreating to Brighton.
Highlight of the trip was choosing a wine for dinner on the first night and picking Riff Pinot Grigio. I actually picked it because it was European and therefore had travelled less miles than something from the USA or Australia and because it was listed as being from the Veneto.
When it arrived I was amazed to see that it had an ammonite on its label.
Most vineyards in the region are located on the slopes of the foothills of the Dolomites, a part of the Alps that dictate the climate and bless the region with some of the most prized alluvial soils. These soils are composed of dolomite, a limestone made of fossil deposits of an ancient ocean that covered this region 4.6 million years ago. The name riff (German for reef), thus refers to the Dolomite's geologic origin.
The vineyard sources for most of this Pinot Grigio contain a substantial amount of dolomite limestone which has an obvious impact on the wine's character and style. It is because of the contribution that these fossils (limestone) make to the wine's character that they have been chosen to be incorporated into the label design as a reminder of its geological origin.
Yep, I kept the bottle and I don't care what the staff in the posh hotel thought of me. I was wearing my ammonite at the time so maybe they just realised that I was a crazy person.
Highlight of the trip was choosing a wine for dinner on the first night and picking Riff Pinot Grigio. I actually picked it because it was European and therefore had travelled less miles than something from the USA or Australia and because it was listed as being from the Veneto.
When it arrived I was amazed to see that it had an ammonite on its label.
Most vineyards in the region are located on the slopes of the foothills of the Dolomites, a part of the Alps that dictate the climate and bless the region with some of the most prized alluvial soils. These soils are composed of dolomite, a limestone made of fossil deposits of an ancient ocean that covered this region 4.6 million years ago. The name riff (German for reef), thus refers to the Dolomite's geologic origin.
The vineyard sources for most of this Pinot Grigio contain a substantial amount of dolomite limestone which has an obvious impact on the wine's character and style. It is because of the contribution that these fossils (limestone) make to the wine's character that they have been chosen to be incorporated into the label design as a reminder of its geological origin.
Yep, I kept the bottle and I don't care what the staff in the posh hotel thought of me. I was wearing my ammonite at the time so maybe they just realised that I was a crazy person.
Thursday, 9 August 2007
Just watched Endeavour and the ISS fly over - and a bit of space junk flying in the opposite direction.
This makes me happy.
This makes me happy.
GeoSoc Conference
A friend tipped me off about free student passes for the Geological Society Bicentennial Conference. So I applied today and was successful this afternoon (very prompt!), now I find she isn't going, which is a bit of bummer to be honest. I am not at all sure I am brave enough to face all those learned people on my own. *quakes*
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