Thursday, 31 January 2008


Found out today that
MySpace is anti-atheist and run by religious bigots
. Well, not that I really use MySpace apart from reading a few blogs, but I've deleted the wretched thing anyway.

Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Maths & Leo

Yesterday I completed my assignment for Maths for Science and it took me all day. Still, I think I have passed well with not too many completely incorrect answers and many right on first attempt. That should generate me a nice Certificate in Contemporary Science.

Today I started the Leonardo course. First chapter done and dusted. He's a fascinating chap, but so is all the history that surrounds him. I may have to buy some more books.

Thursday, 17 January 2008

Friday, 4 January 2008


There. I've spent two hours doing questions in the online pratice ECA. I managed to get the questions on statistical hypothesis testing pretty much right just by dipping into the book and plucking out the bits that came up. However, going back over stuff I've done in months gone by is proving a little more annoying. I thought I'd got a grip on trig, but apparently I haven't. All of the wrong answers stem from dumb arse mistakes that I shouldn't be making*, but I'm sure that if this was a hand written assignment, rather than one that is all done on the computer, I'd probably pass it based on picking up extra points for using correct equations and laying things out in the right way.

All through the science courses they always say in the assignments that you ahve to show your workings, which I have always done and I've always had comments about neatness and picked up marks for being on the right track / using correct equations etc, even when final answers have been wrong. Those half marks do add up and they just aren't available here. Ah well, won't pass it through bitching!

Besides, Leonardo has arrived and I really want to rip it open and check its contents. In fact, bugger this frakking maths, I'm moving on to Leo for the rest of the day!

*using the decimal answer in a calculation rather than changing it into scientific notation before moving on


I've just realised that although I find statistical hypothesis testing tricky it's nothing compared to the fact that I seem to have forgotten everything else I've learnt in the past four months. This is probably thanks to not touching these maths books since before Christmas. In fact, I'm not sure I actually concentrated on much since round about my birthday. So I've actually spent the last month not even thinking about maths.

Complaining to my blog, however, will not get the work done.

Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Bloody Gravel

I don't get New Year to be honest, crowds of people making a big thing about having to buy a new calendar (ours is BSG this year, btw). Maybe it's a last excuse of the year / first excuse of the year to drink a lot? Meh. What's the New Years equivalent of Bah Humbug?

Of course, it may well have been thanks to New Year getting off to a bad start when I fell up some steps, smashing a plate full of brownies. No, I wasn't drunk, I was looking at some interesting gravel. Maybe some of you will understand that.