Sunday, 22 November 2009


Nearly a year went by there without posting in here at all. I have some back-dated things that I need to log, so I'll get onto that and it won't look so bad!

In the meantime, I have subscribed to Deposits Magazine, which is fabulous, after getting myself a free sample copy back in July. It's already mnaged to clear up some issues I had with some of the terminology from Summer School. I now grasp exactly what / how hardground is formed. I mean, they showed it to us at School, but it wasn't clearly described. I don't think one person there just said "formed during times of low sedimentation rates."

*headdesk* it's all so obvious when pointed out in simple language.

The last local booksale was a bit of a waste of time, but I did manage to pick up a cheap copy of The Discovery of Evolution. Currently reading it on the loo - like you needed to know that...

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