Friday, 29 June 2007

Sunny Hunny

23rd June 2007

The cliff face at Hunstanton. The tutor is standing at the bottom for scale, he's 2m in his hard hat!

The second picture shows spheroidal weathering*.

Sadly, the belemnite I have from there is too small to have its picture taken.

Another S260 field trip. The morning was lovely, the sun came out, people were enjoying the beach and making sandcastles. Even managed to have a picnic lunch outside and an ice cream, but then the thunder clouds rolled in. The afternoon was mostly spent getting extremely wet!

*At least that was what we were told. Turns out that these are Liesegang rings.

Earith Field Trip

Well, best start getting up-to-date.

Had a field trip to Earith Quarry with some S260 students at the beginning of June. These are some of the pictures that I took that day.

This first one is an unconformity. Note that is not what she is pointing at! The unconformity lies between the Ampthill Clay bed and the sands on top.

The second picture is, we were told, an area of the quarry showing the effects of glaciation in the area.

Today's sites

I've been doing a bit of surfing today. I have to confess that everything actually stemmed from reading macros on LiveJournal. Yes, I am aware of how unbelievably stupid they are, but some of them can be quite funny, so I started my day of surfing at LolScience.

That, in turn, led me to the maintainer of the community who has a very sensible blog, Green Gabbro. In fact, that was what retriggered my desire to have a place where I could ramble on to my hearts content about rocks 'n stuff.

Also found All of my Faults are Stress Related and the Science Blogs. So far I've only read bits of Pharyngula, but I think I might give some of the others a try.

Another new blog

Well, I had intended to use my old Blogger into the one I use for Open Uni and sciencey type stuff, but I appear to have been locked out of it. Anyway, there's nothing stopping me having yet another blog. Besides, I can give this one a better title.

Coprolite does happen!